Hi Nate,

Could you try running it with debug enabled on the logs? it will give more
insite into what's going on.


On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 3:45 PM, Nate Sammons <nsamm...@ften.com> wrote:

> This is against a single server, not a cluster.  Replication factor for
> the keyspace is set to 1, CL is the default for Hector, which I think is
> QUORUM.****
> ** **
> I’m trying to get a simple test together that shows this.  Does anyone
> know if multiple indexes like this are efficient?****
> ** **
> Thanks,****
> ** **
> -nate****
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* Riyad Kalla [mailto:rka...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Monday, November 07, 2011 4:31 PM
> *To:* user@cassandra.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: Secondary index issue, unable to query for records that
> should be there****
> ** **
> Nate, is this all against a single Cassandra server, or do you have a ring
> setup? If you do have a ring setup, what is your replicationfactor set to?
> Also what ConsistencyLevel are you writing with when storing the values?**
> **
> ** **
> -R****
> On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 2:43 PM, Nate Sammons <nsamm...@ften.com> wrote:***
> *
> Hello,****
>  ****
> I’m experimenting with Cassandra (DataStax Enterprise 1.0.3), and I’ve got
> a CF with several secondary indexes to try out some options.  Right now I
> have the following to create my CF using the CLI:****
>  ****
> create column family MyTest with****
>   key_validation_class = UTF8Type****
>   and comparator = UTF8Type****
>   and column_metadata = [****
>       -- absolute timestamp for this message, also indexed
> year/month/day/hour/minute****
>       -- index these as they are low cardinality****
>       {column_name:messageTimestamp, validation_class:LongType},****
>       {column_name:messageYear, validation_class:IntegerType, index_type:
> KEYS},****
>       {column_name:messageMonth, validation_class:IntegerType, index_type:
> KEYS},****
>       {column_name:messageDay, validation_class:IntegerType, index_type:
> KEYS},****
>       {column_name:messageHour, validation_class:IntegerType, index_type:
> KEYS},****
>       {column_name:messageMinute, validation_class:IntegerType,
> index_type: KEYS},****
>  ****
>                 … other non-indexed columns defined****
>  ****
>   ];****
>  ****
>  ****
> So when I insert data, I calculate a year/month/day/hour/minute and set
> these values on a Hector ColumnFamilyUpdater instance and update that way.
> Then later I can query from the command line with CQL such as:****
>  ****
>                 get MyTest where messageYear=2011 and messageMonth=6 and
> messageDay=1 and messageHour=13 and messageMinute=44;****
>  ****
> etc.  This generally works, however at some point queries that I know
> should return data no longer return any rows.****
>  ****
> So for instance, part way through my test (inserting 250K rows), I can
> query for what should be there and get data back such as the above query,
> but later that same query returns 0 rows.  Similarly, with fewer clauses in
> the expression, like this:****
>  ****
>                 get MyTest where messageYear=2011 and messageMonth=6;****
>  ****
> Will also return 0 rows.****
>  ****
>  ****
> ???????****
> Any idea what could be going wrong?  I’m not getting any exceptions in my
> client during the write, and I don’t see anything in the logs (no errors
> anyway).****
>  ****
>  ****
>  ****
> A second question – is what I’m doing insane?  I’m not sure that
> performance on CQL queries with multiple indexed columns is good (does
> Cassandra intelligently use all available indexes on these queries?)****
>  ****
>  ****
>  ****
> Thanks,****
>  ****
> -nate****
> ** **


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