- Bulk column deletion by (column name) range. Without this feature, we
are forced to perform a range query and iterate over all of the columns,
deleting them one by one (we do this in a batch, but it's still a very
slow approach). See CASSANDRA-494/3448. If anyone else has a need for
this issue, please raise your voice, as the feature has been tabled due
to lack of interest.
On 11/3/2011 11:44 AM, Todd Burruss wrote:
- Better performance when access random columns in a wide row
- caching subsets of wide rows - possibly on the same boundaries as the
- some sort of notification architecture when data is inserted. This
could be co-processors, triggers, plugins, etc
- auto load balance when adding new nodes
On 11/1/11 3:59 PM, "Jonathan Ellis"<jbel...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,
Two years ago I asked for Cassandra use cases and feature requests.
[1] The results [2] have been extremely useful in setting and
prioritizing goals for Cassandra development. But with the release of
1.0 we've accomplished basically everything from our original wish
list. [3]
I'd love to hear from modern Cassandra users again, especially if
you're usually a quiet lurker. What does Cassandra do well? What are
your pain points? What's your feature wish list?
As before, if you're in stealth mode or don't want to say anything in
public, feel free to reply to me privately and I will keep it off the
[3] http://www.mail-archive.com/dev@cassandra.apache.org/msg01524.html
Jonathan Ellis
Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
co-founder of DataStax, the source for professional Cassandra support