Thanks for that hint! However, it seems like soundex is a very language specific algorithm (US English). We have to get into this topic further...

Kind regards

On 10/13/2011 10:43 PM, Stephen Connolly wrote:
Then just use a soundex function on the first word in the text... that
will shrink it sufficiently and give nice buckets in near sequential
order (

On 13 October 2011 21:21, Matthias Pfau<>  wrote:
Hi Stephen,
we are hashing the first 8 byte (8 US-ASCII characters) of text that has
been written by humans. Wouldn't it be easy for the attacker to do a
dictionary attack on this text, especially if he knows the language of the

Kind regards

On 10/13/2011 08:20 PM, Stephen Connolly wrote:

in theory, however they have less than 32 bits of entropy from which
they can do that, leaving them with at least 32 more bits of
combinations to try... that's 2 billion or so... must be a big dictionary

- Stephen

Sent from my Android phone, so random spelling mistakes, random nonsense
words and other nonsense are a direct result of using swype to type on
the screen

On 13 Oct 2011 17:57, "Matthias Pfau"<<>>

    Hi Stephen,
    this sounds very reasonable. But wouldn't this enable an attacker to
    execute dictionary attacks in order to "decrypt" the first 8 bytes
    of the plain text?

    Kind regards

    On 10/13/2011 05:03 PM, Stephen Connolly wrote:

        It wouldn't be unencrypted... which is the point

        you use a one way linear hash function to take the first, say 8
        of unencrypted data and turn it into 4 bytes of a sort prefix.

        You've used lost half the data in the process, so effectively
        each bit
        is an OR of two bits and you can only infer from 0 values... so
        is still encrypted, but you have an approximate sorting.

        For example, if your data is US-ASCII text with no numbers, you
        use Soundex to get the pre-key, so that worst case you have a
        of values in the range.

        Using this technique, a random get will have to get the values
        at the
        desired prefix +/- a small amount rather than the whole row...
        on the
        client side you can then decrypt the data and sort that small
        to get the correct index position.

        You could do a 1 byte prefix, but that only gives you at best 256
        buckets and assumes that the first 2 bytes are uniformly
        distributed... you've said your data is not uniformly
        distributed, so
        a linear hash function sounds like your best bet.

        your hash function should have the property that hash(A)>=
        hash(B) if
        and only if A>= B

        On 13 October 2011 08:47, Matthias Pfau<
        <>>    wrote:

            Hi Stephen,
            this is a great idea but unfortunately doesn't work for us
            either as we can
            not store the data in an unencrypted form.

            Kind regards

            On 10/12/2011 07:42 PM, Stephen Connolly wrote:

                could you prefix the data with 3-4 bytes of a linear
                hash of the
                unencypted data? it wouldn't be a perfect sort, but
                you'd have less of a
                range to query to get the sorted values?

                - Stephen

                Sent from my Android phone, so random spelling mistakes,
                random nonsense
                words and other nonsense are a direct result of using
                swype to type on
                the screen

                On 12 Oct 2011 17:57, "Matthias Pfau"<

                    Unfortunately, that is not an option as we have to
                store the data in
                    an compressed and encrypted and therefore binary and
                non-sortable form.

                    On 10/12/2011 06:39 PM, David McNelis wrote:

                        Is it an option to not convert the data to
                binary prior to
                        into Cassandra?  Also, how large are the strings
                you're sorting?
                          If its
                        viable to not convert to binary before writing
                to Cassandra, and
                        you use
                        one of the string based column ordering
                techniques (utf8, ascii,
                        example), then the data would be sorted without
                you  needing to
                        specifically worry about that.  Of course, if
                the strings are
                        you could run into  additional issues.

                        On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 11:34 AM, Matthias
                <>>>>    wrote:

                            Hi there,
                            we are currently building a prototype based
                on cassandra and
                            into problems on implementing sorted lists
                        millions of items.

                            The special thing about the items of our
                lists is, that
                        cassandra is
                            not able to sort them as the data is stored
                in a binary
                        format which
                            is not sortable. However, we are able to
                sort the data
                        before the
                            plain data gets encoded (our application is
                responsible for
                        the order).

                            First Approach: Storing Lists in ColumnFamilies
                            We first tried to map the list to a single
                row of a
                        ColumnFamily in
                            a way that the index of the list is mapped
                to the column
                        names and
                            the items of the list to the column values.
                The column names
                            increasing numbers which define the sort order.
                            This has the major drawback that big parts
                of the list have
                        to be
                            rewritten on inserts (because the column
                names are numbered
                        by their
                            index), which are quite common.

                            Second Approach: Storing the whole List as
                Binary Data:
                            We tried to store the compressed list in a
                single column.
                            this is only feasible for smaller lists. Our
                lists are far
                        to big
                            leading to multi megabyte reads and writes.
                As we need to
                        read and
                            update the lists quite often, this would put
                our Cassandra
                            under a lot of pressure.

                            Ideal Solution: Native support for storing
                            We would be very happy with a way to store a
                list of sorted
                            without making improper use of column names
                for the list
                        index. This
                            implies that we would need a possibility to
                insert values at
                            positions. We know that this could lead to
                problems with
                            inserts in a distributed environment, but
                this is handled by
                            application logic.

                            What are your ideas on that?


                        *David McNelis*
                        Lead Software Engineer
                        Agentis Energy

                        c: 219.384.5143

                        /A Smart Grid technology company focused on
                helping consumers of
                        control an often under-managed resource./

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