in theory, however they have less than 32 bits of entropy from which they
can do that, leaving them with at least 32 more bits of combinations to
try... that's 2 billion or so... must be a big dictionary

- Stephen

Sent from my Android phone, so random spelling mistakes, random nonsense
words and other nonsense are a direct result of using swype to type on the
On 13 Oct 2011 17:57, "Matthias Pfau" <> wrote:

> Hi Stephen,
> this sounds very reasonable. But wouldn't this enable an attacker to
> execute dictionary attacks in order to "decrypt" the first 8 bytes of the
> plain text?
> Kind regards
> Matthias
> On 10/13/2011 05:03 PM, Stephen Connolly wrote:
>> It wouldn't be unencrypted... which is the point
>> you use a one way linear hash function to take the first, say 8 bytes,
>> of unencrypted data and turn it into 4 bytes of a sort prefix.
>> You've used lost half the data in the process, so effectively each bit
>> is an OR of two bits and you can only infer from 0 values... so data
>> is still encrypted, but you have an approximate sorting.
>> For example, if your data is US-ASCII text with no numbers, you could
>> use Soundex to get the pre-key, so that worst case you have a bucket
>> of values in the range.
>> Using this technique, a random get will have to get the values at the
>> desired prefix +/- a small amount rather than the whole row... on the
>> client side you can then decrypt the data and sort that small bucket
>> to get the correct index position.
>> You could do a 1 byte prefix, but that only gives you at best 256
>> buckets and assumes that the first 2 bytes are uniformly
>> distributed... you've said your data is not uniformly distributed, so
>> a linear hash function sounds like your best bet.
>> your hash function should have the property that hash(A)>= hash(B) if
>> and only if A>= B
>> On 13 October 2011 08:47, Matthias Pfau<>  wrote:
>>> Hi Stephen,
>>> this is a great idea but unfortunately doesn't work for us either as we
>>> can
>>> not store the data in an unencrypted form.
>>> Kind regards
>>> Matthias
>>> On 10/12/2011 07:42 PM, Stephen Connolly wrote:
>>>> could you prefix the data with 3-4 bytes of a linear hash of the
>>>> unencypted data? it wouldn't be a perfect sort, but you'd have less of a
>>>> range to query to get the sorted values?
>>>> - Stephen
>>>> ---
>>>> Sent from my Android phone, so random spelling mistakes, random nonsense
>>>> words and other nonsense are a direct result of using swype to type on
>>>> the screen
>>>> On 12 Oct 2011 17:57, "Matthias 
>>>> Pfau"<<mailto:pfau@**<>
>>>> >>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>    Unfortunately, that is not an option as we have to store the data in
>>>>    an compressed and encrypted and therefore binary and non-sortable
>>>> form.
>>>>    On 10/12/2011 06:39 PM, David McNelis wrote:
>>>>        Is it an option to not convert the data to binary prior to
>>>> inserting
>>>>        into Cassandra?  Also, how large are the strings you're sorting?
>>>>          If its
>>>>        viable to not convert to binary before writing to Cassandra, and
>>>>        you use
>>>>        one of the string based column ordering techniques (utf8, ascii,
>>>> for
>>>>        example), then the data would be sorted without you  needing to
>>>>        specifically worry about that.  Of course, if the strings are
>>>>        lengthy
>>>>        you could run into  additional issues.
>>>>        On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 11:34 AM, Matthias Pfau<
>>>>        <>
>>>>        <<mailto:pfa** <>>>>
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>            Hi there,
>>>>            we are currently building a prototype based on cassandra and
>>>>        came
>>>>            into problems on implementing sorted lists containing
>>>>        millions of items.
>>>>            The special thing about the items of our lists is, that
>>>>        cassandra is
>>>>            not able to sort them as the data is stored in a binary
>>>>        format which
>>>>            is not sortable. However, we are able to sort the data
>>>>        before the
>>>>            plain data gets encoded (our application is responsible for
>>>>        the order).
>>>>            First Approach: Storing Lists in ColumnFamilies
>>>>            ***
>>>>            We first tried to map the list to a single row of a
>>>>        ColumnFamily in
>>>>            a way that the index of the list is mapped to the column
>>>>        names and
>>>>            the items of the list to the column values. The column names
>>>> are
>>>>            increasing numbers which define the sort order.
>>>>            This has the major drawback that big parts of the list have
>>>>        to be
>>>>            rewritten on inserts (because the column names are numbered
>>>>        by their
>>>>            index), which are quite common.
>>>>            Second Approach: Storing the whole List as Binary Data:
>>>>            ***
>>>>            We tried to store the compressed list in a single column.
>>>>        However,
>>>>            this is only feasible for smaller lists. Our lists are far
>>>>        to big
>>>>            leading to multi megabyte reads and writes. As we need to
>>>>        read and
>>>>            update the lists quite often, this would put our Cassandra
>>>>        cluster
>>>>            under a lot of pressure.
>>>>            Ideal Solution: Native support for storing lists
>>>>            ***
>>>>            We would be very happy with a way to store a list of sorted
>>>>        values
>>>>            without making improper use of column names for the list
>>>>        index. This
>>>>            implies that we would need a possibility to insert values at
>>>>        defined
>>>>            positions. We know that this could lead to problems with
>>>>        concurrent
>>>>            inserts in a distributed environment, but this is handled by
>>>> our
>>>>            application logic.
>>>>            What are your ideas on that?
>>>>            Thanks
>>>>            Matthias
>>>>        --
>>>>        *David McNelis*
>>>>        Lead Software Engineer
>>>>        Agentis Energy
>>>> >
>>>>        <>
>>>>        c: 219.384.5143<tel:219.384.5143>
>>>>        /A Smart Grid technology company focused on helping consumers of
>>>>        energy
>>>>        control an often under-managed resource./

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