great video, thanks!

On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 7:45 AM, hani elabed <> wrote:

> Hi Dean,
> I don't have have an answer to your question, but just in case you haven't
> seen this screencast by Ed Anuff on Cassandra Indexes, it helped me a lot.
> Hani
> On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Dean Hiller <> wrote:
>> I heard cassandra may be going the direction of removing super column and
>> users are starting to just use prefixes in front of the column.
>> The reason I ask is I was going the way of only using supercolumns and
>> then many tables were fixed with just one supercolumn per row as the
>> structure for that table was simple....this kept the api we have on top of
>> Hector extremely simple not having to deal with columns vs. supercolumns.
>> What are people's thoughts on this?
>> Dealing in columnfamilies where some have supercolumns and some don't I
>> think personally is a painful way to go.....going with just one way and
>> sticking with it sure makes the apis easier and it's much easier to apply
>> AOP type stuff to that ONE insert method rather than having two insert
>> methods.  So what is the direction of casssandra project and the
>> recommendation?
>> thanks,
>> Dean

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