Thanks Aaron. How about I set the gc_grace_seconds to 0 or like 2 hours? I like to clean up tomebstone sooner, I don't care losing some data and all my columns have ttl.

If one node is down longer than gc_grace_seconds, and I got tombstone removed, once the node is up, from my understanding deleted data will be synced back. In this case my data will be processed twice and it will not be a big deal to me.



On 10/04/2011 01:27 AM, aaron morton wrote:
Yes that's the slice query skipping past the tombstone columns.


Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer

On 4/10/2011, at 4:24 PM, Daning Wang wrote:

Lots of SliceQueryFilter in the log, is that handling tombstone?

DEBUG [ReadStage:49] 2011-10-03 20:15:07,942 (line 123) collecting 0 of 1: 1317582939743663:true:4@1317582939933000 DEBUG [ReadStage:50] 2011-10-03 20:15:07,942 (line 123) collecting 0 of 1: 1317573253148778:true:4@1317573253354000 DEBUG [ReadStage:43] 2011-10-03 20:15:07,942 (line 123) collecting 0 of 1: 1317669552951428:true:4@1317669553018000 DEBUG [ReadStage:33] 2011-10-03 20:15:07,942 (line 123) collecting 0 of 1: 1317581886709261:true:4@1317581886957000 DEBUG [ReadStage:52] 2011-10-03 20:15:07,942 (line 123) collecting 0 of 1: 1317568165152246:true:4@1317568165482000 DEBUG [ReadStage:36] 2011-10-03 20:15:07,941 (line 123) collecting 0 of 1: 1317567265089211:true:4@1317567265405000 DEBUG [ReadStage:53] 2011-10-03 20:15:07,941 (line 123) collecting 0 of 1: 1317674324843122:true:4@1317674324946000 DEBUG [ReadStage:38] 2011-10-03 20:15:07,941 (line 123) collecting 0 of 1: 1317571990078721:true:4@1317571990141000 DEBUG [ReadStage:57] 2011-10-03 20:15:07,941 (line 123) collecting 0 of 1: 1317671855234221:true:4@1317671855239000 DEBUG [ReadStage:54] 2011-10-03 20:15:07,941 (line 123) collecting 0 of 1: 1317558305262954:true:4@1317558305337000 DEBUG [RequestResponseStage:11] 2011-10-03 20:15:07,941 (line 48) Processing response on a callback from 12347@/ <> DEBUG [RequestResponseStage:9] 2011-10-03 20:15:07,941 (line 66) Preprocessed data response DEBUG [RequestResponseStage:13] 2011-10-03 20:15:07,941 (line 66) Preprocessed digest response DEBUG [ReadStage:58] 2011-10-03 20:15:07,941 (line 123) collecting 0 of 1: 1317581337972739:true:4@1317581338044000 DEBUG [ReadStage:64] 2011-10-03 20:15:07,941 (line 123) collecting 0 of 1: 1317582656796332:true:4@1317582656970000 DEBUG [ReadStage:55] 2011-10-03 20:15:07,941 (line 123) collecting 0 of 1: 1317569432886284:true:4@1317569432984000 DEBUG [ReadStage:45] 2011-10-03 20:15:07,941 (line 123) collecting 0 of 1: 1317572658687019:true:4@1317572658718000 DEBUG [ReadStage:47] 2011-10-03 20:15:07,940 (line 123) collecting 0 of 1: 1317582281617755:true:4@1317582281717000 DEBUG [ReadStage:48] 2011-10-03 20:15:07,940 (line 123) collecting 0 of 1: 1317549607869226:true:4@1317549608118000 DEBUG [ReadStage:34] 2011-10-03 20:15:07,940 (line 123) collecting 0 of 1: On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 2:17 PM, aaron morton < <>> wrote:

    As with any situation involving the un-dead, it really is the
    number of Zombies, Mummies or Vampires that is the concern.

    If you delete data there will always be tombstones. If you have a
    delete heavy workload there will be more tombstones. This is why
    implementing a queue with cassandra is a bad idea.

    gc_grace_seconds (and column TTL) are the *minimum* about of time
    the tombstones will stay in the data files, there is no maximum.

    Your read performance also depends on the number of SSTables the
    row is spread over, see

    If you really wanted to purge them then yes a repair and then
    major compaction would be the way to go. Also consider if it's
    possible to design the data model around the problem, e.g.
    partitioning rows by date. IMHO I would look to make data model
    changes before implementing a compaction policy, or consider if
    cassandra is the right store if you have a delete heavy workload.


    Aaron Morton
    Freelance Cassandra Developer
    @aaronmorton <>

    On 30/09/2011, at 3:27 AM, Daning Wang wrote:


    Thank you guy's reply, I will change GCGracePeriod to 1 day to
    see what will happen.

    Is there a way to purge tombstones at anytime? because if
    tombstones affect performance, we want them to be purged right
    away, not after GCGracePeriod. We know all the nodes are up, and
    we can do repair first to make sure the consistency before purging.



    On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 5:22 PM, aaron morton
    < <>> wrote:

        if I had to guess I would say it was spending time handling
        tombstones. If you see it happen again, and are interested,
        turn the logging up to DEBUG and look for messages from
        something starting with "Slice"

        Minor (automatic) compaction will, over time, purge the
        tombstones. Until then reads must read discard the data
        deleted by the tombstones. If you perform a big (i.e. 100k's
        ) delete this can reduce performance until compaction does
        it's thing.

        My second guess would be read repair (or the simple
        consistency checks on read) kicking in. That would show up
        in the "ReadRepairStage" in TPSTATS

        it may have been neither of those two things, just guesses.
        If you have more issues let us know and provide some more info.


        Aaron Morton
        Freelance Cassandra Developer
        @aaronmorton <>

        On 29/09/2011, at 6:35 AM, Daning wrote:

        > I have an app polling a few CFs (select first N * from
        CF), there were data in CFs but later were deleted so CFs
        were empty for a long time. I found Cassandra CPU usage was
        getting high to 80%, normally it uses less than 30%. I
        issued the select query manually and feel the response is
        slow. I have tried nodetool compact/repair for those CFs but
        that does not work. later, I issue 'truncate' for all the
        CFs and CPU usage gets down to 1%.
        > Can somebody explain to me why I need to truncate an empty
        CF? and what else I could do to bring the CPU usage down?
        > I am running 0.8.6.
        > Thanks,
        > Daning

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