my young-gen pauses are fine, they are generally below 0.1 seconds,
for my application that's fine for me :)

(I do see pauses of other nature, much longer (20seconds), some due to
GC (full GC), which I'm still investigating)

2011/9/30 Jonathan Ellis <>:
> I think we found why you're seeing lots of young gen-based GC pauses... :)
> 2011/9/30 Yang <>:
>> why?
>> I thought bigger young gen would allow more objects to die (become
>> non-reachable) before  minor collection, so the minor collection cost
>> is low. particularly it would allow you to merge more updates and not
>> consume memory (since old objects are released on GC)
>> bigger old gen would allow you to accumulate more rows into your
>> memtable, so you can avoid
>> later compaction cost.
>> if not giving it to heap, then it's a choice between os buffer and
>> cassandra row cache. I think row cache is definitely better since you
>> avoid the cost of serializing/deserializing; well this is assuming
>> that your access pattern is random though, otherwise OS cache has the
>> benefit of spacial locality (it loads blocks at once instead of a
>> single row).
>> thanks
>> Yang
>> 2011/9/30 Norman Maurer <>:
>>> I would also not use such a big heap. I think most people will tell
>>> you that 12G -16G is max to use.
>>> Bye,
>>> Norman
>>> 2011/9/30 Yi Yang <>:
>>>> It is meaningless to release such memory. The counting includes the data 
>>>> you reached in the SSTable. Those data locates on your hard drive. So it 
>>>> is not the RAM spaces you have actually used.
>>>> -Y.
>>>> ------Original Message------
>>>> From: Yang
>>>> To:
>>>> ReplyTo:
>>>> Subject: release mmap memory through jconsole?
>>>> Sent: Oct 1, 2011 12:40 AM
>>>> I gave an -Xmx50G to my Cassandra java processs, now "top" shows its
>>>> virtual memory address space is 82G, is there
>>>> a way to release that memory through JMX ?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Yang
>>>> 從我的 BlackBerry(R) 無線裝置
> --
> Jonathan Ellis
> Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
> co-founder of DataStax, the source for professional Cassandra support

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