From a usability standpoint, elastic search is looking promising. I'll have to 
get more info through use on it's distribution as well.



On 28/09/2011, at 14:01 PM, Mohit Anchlia wrote:

> look at elasticsearch too. It shards differently.
> On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 1:45 PM, Rafael Almeida <> wrote:
>> From Anthony Ikeda <>:
>>> Well, we go live with our project very soon and we are now looking into 
>>> what we will be doing for the next phase. One of the enhancements we would 
>>> like to consider is an indexing platform to start building searches into 
>>> our application.
>>> Right now we are just using column families to index the information 
>>> (different views based on what we want to find) however it is proving to be 
>>> quite a task to keep the index views in sync with the data - although not a 
>>> showstopper, it isn't something we want to be handling all the time 
>>> especially since operations like deletions require changes to multiple 
>>> column families.
>>> I've heard of Solandra and Lucandra but I want to understand the 
>>> experiences of people that may have used them or other suggestions.
>> I've had some experience with that. My main problem was that I had a limited 
>> vocabulary and a large number of documents. It seems like solandra kept all 
>> my documents on the same row for a given term. That means the documents 
>> don't get spread out throught the cluster and search was painfully slow. We 
>> ended up rolling up our own solution and not using cassandra at all for that 
>> purpose (althought we still use it for storage).

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