Hi everyone!

I'm new user of Cassandra (I'm using Cassandra 0.8.6) 
and I created CF by command:

create column family People with comparator=UTF8Type and

and then I inserted some values like:
set People[wking][name]='ala';
set People[wking][sname]='sala';

set People[jking][name]='aaaaaala';
set People[jking][sname]='saaaaaala';
and now when i'm adding column to for example 'wking' like:
set People[wking][age]=long(55);
it's also added to 'jking'. What I'm doing wrong? 
Also it surprised me when I wrote:
get People[akingl]; 
I get some columns although I haven't inserted anything with 
key like this.

Can anyone explain why this happening?

Best regards

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