Helps a lot Arron thanks for your time :)


Subject: Re: SCF column comparator
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 10:03:21 +1300

it's the other way around…
row-key:        super-column:           (sub)column:
When using Create Column Family in the CLI:
        key_validation_class applies to the row key     comparator applies to 
the super column (when using a Super Column Family)       subcomparator applied 
to the sub column (when using a Super Column Family)
In your current model consider:
- using an Integer or TimeUUID comparator- setting the super column name to 
milliseconds / seconds past epoch or using a Time UUID. 
I would suggest trying to model your data using a standard CF to start with, it 
will be easier on your brain and there are some limitations to a super CF. 
Hope that helps. 

-----------------Aaron MortonFreelance Cassandra 

On 27/09/2011, at 3:46 AM, Sam Hodgson wrote:Hi all,

Im trying to create a Threads SCF that will store message thread id's in date 
order and i want to store the threadID => subject as the supercolumns.  Please 
correct me if im incorrect but my understanding of a super column family is as 

Category: //row key
   Timestamp: //Column
      ThreadID => Thread Subject //Supercolumn

My question is how do I ensure the timestamp column is ordered chronologically 
as the documentation for the cassandra-cli specify's that the comparator type 
is applied to the supercolumns.  Also im new to Cassandra so any advice on 
alternate schemas is welcome, not sure if this would be better to split up into 
multiple CF's or somehow use an index.

Thanks in advance



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