Some discussion of large data here

When creating large rows you also need to be aware of 
in_memory_compaction_limit_in_mb (see the yaml) and that all columns for a row 
are stored on the same node. So if you store one file in a one row you may not 
get the best load distribution. 

I've heard mention before that 10MB is a reasonable max for a row if you have 
no natural partitions. 

That said CFS in Brisk put each block on a row, and used columns for the sub 
blocks. And the default settings for HFS are 

 <!-- 64 MB default --> 

<!-- 2 MB SubBlock Size -->

Hope that helps. 

Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer

On 24/09/2011, at 9:27 PM, Radim Kolar wrote:

> Dne 24.9.2011 0:05, Jonathan Ellis napsal(a):
>> Really large messages are not encouraged because they will fragment
>> your heap quickly.  Other than that, no.
> what is recommended chunk size for storing multi gigabyte files in cassandra? 
> 64MB is okay or its too large?

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