CASSANDRA-526 provides this ability,  I just want to make sure,

let's say I have one node, with token 0, and now I want to add 2 new
ones, with initial_token set at 1/3 and 2/3 of the full range.

now I start nodes 2 and 3 with the -DCassandra.join_ring=false option,
and later use JMX joinRing() to let 2 and 3 join.

if there is a slight lag between the time 2 and 3 talk to 1, would it
be possible that 2/3 of the keyspace is shipped out to node 2, and
then when node 3 joins, it's shuffled out to node 3 again
(unnecessarily) ?  basically I want everyone to come together, agree
the current global membership, then start carving out the existing load.


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