On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 8:54 AM, Ryan Hadley <r...@sgizmo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> So, here's the backstory:
> We were running Cassandra 0.7.4 and at one point in time had a node in the 
> ring at We removed this node from the ring successfully in 
> 0.7.4. It stopped showing in the nodetool ring command. But occasionally we'd 
> still get weird log entries about failing to write/read to IP
> We upgraded to Cassandra 0.8.4. Now, nodetool ring shows this old node:
>     datacenter1 rack1       Down   Leaving ?               6.71%  
>  32695837177645752437561450928649262701
> So I started a nodetool removetoken on 32695837177645752437561450928649262701 
> last Friday. It's still going strong this morning, on day 5:
> ./bin/nodetool -h -p 8080 removetoken status
> RemovalStatus: Removing token (32695837177645752437561450928649262701). 
> Waiting for replication confirmation from 
> [/,/,/].
> Should I just be patient? Or is something really weird with this node?

5 days seems excessive unless there is a very large amount of data per
node.  I would check nodetool netstats, and if the streams don't look
active issue a 'removetoken force' against and accept that
you may possibly need to run repair to restore the replica count.


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