Hi All, Is there a way to store number(longtype) as row key in Cassadra?
I wanted to execute range query based on row key value. e.g $list info[12345:]; . It should list all the rowkeys which are >= 12345. Is there a way accompolish this in cassandra? Secondary index does not helped me. So I am trying to store column value 'ip' as rowkey here. data model: create keyspace ipinfo with placement_strategy = 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy' and strategy_options = [{replication_factor:1}]; use rng; create column family info with comparator = AsciiType and key_validation_class = UTF8Type and column_metadata = [{ column_name : domain, validation_class : UTF8Type, index_type : 0, index_name : domain_idx}, { column_name : ip, validation_class : LongType, index_type : 0, index_name : ip_idx }]; Regards, Thamizhannal