Actually you can use LOCAL_QUORUM and EACH_QUORUM policy everywhere on
Even it would be better for integration tests to use same Consistency level
as on production.

For production with multiple DC you usually need to chouse between 2 common
solutions: Geographical Distribution or Disaster Recovery.
See: http://www.datastax.com/docs/0.8/operations/datacenter

 LOCAL_QUORUM and EACH_QUORUM for DEV/QA/Prod by examples:

create keyspace KeyspaceDEV
    with placement_strategy =
    and strategy_options=[{*datacenter1*:1}];

create keyspace KeyspaceQA
    with placement_strategy =
    and strategy_options=[{*datacenter1*:2}];

create keyspace KeyspaceProd
    with placement_strategy =
    and strategy_options=[{*datacenter1*:3, datacenter2:3}];

Be careful(!!!), usually default name of DC in new cluster is *datacenter1*.
But cassandra-cli use default name *DC1*. (some small mismatch/bug maybe).


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