On Aug 23, 2011, at 3:43 AM, aaron morton wrote:

> Dropped messages in ReadRepair is odd. Are you also dropping mutations ? 
> There are two tasks performed on the ReadRepair stage. The digests are 
> compared on this stage, and secondly the repair happens on the stage. 
> Comparing digests is quick. Doing the repair could take a bit longer, all the 
> cf's returned are collated, filtered and deletes removed.  
> We don't do background Read Repair on range scans, they do have foreground 
> digest checking though.
> What CL are you using ? 

CL.ONE for hadoop writes, CL.QUORUM for hadoop reads

> begin crazy theory:
>       Could there be a very big row that is out of sync ? The increased RR 
> would be resulting in mutations been sent back to the replicas. Which would 
> give you a hot spot in mutations.
>       Check max compacted row size on the hot nodes. 
>       Turn the logging up to DEBUG on the hot machines for 
> o.a.c.service.RowRepairResolver and look for the "resolve:…" message it has 
> the time taken.

The max compacted size didn't seem unreasonable - about a MB.  I turned up 
logging to DEBUG for that class and I get plenty of dropped READ_REPAIR 
messages, but nothing coming out of DEBUG in the logs to indicate the time 
taken that I can see.

> Cheers
> -----------------
> Aaron Morton
> Freelance Cassandra Developer
> @aaronmorton
> http://www.thelastpickle.com
> On 23/08/2011, at 7:52 PM, Jeremy Hanna wrote:
>> On Aug 23, 2011, at 2:25 AM, Peter Schuller wrote:
>>>> We've been having issues where as soon as we start doing heavy writes (via 
>>>> hadoop) recently, it really hammers 4 nodes out of 20.  We're using random 
>>>> partitioner and we've set the initial tokens for our 20 nodes according to 
>>>> the general spacing formula, except for a few token offsets as we've 
>>>> replaced dead nodes.
>>> Is the hadoop job iterating over keys in the cluster in token order
>>> perhaps, and you're generating writes to those keys? That would
>>> explain a "moving hotspot" along the cluster.
>> Yes - we're iterating over all the keys of particular column families, doing 
>> joins using pig as we enrich and perform measure calculations.  When we 
>> write, we're usually writing out for a certain small subset of keys which 
>> shouldn't have hotspots with RandomPartitioner afaict.
>>> -- 
>>> / Peter Schuller (@scode on twitter)

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