The cron script doesn't do much. It pulls new IPNs (usually only 1 in
a given 5 minute period), inserts a row, and then sends an email.

As for failure handling in the script itself, I rely on python
exception handling, and whenever an exception occurs I do get an email
with the exception details. No such exception occurs when this
duplication occurs.

As for being SURE that the processed flag is set, no, I suppose I am
not 100% absolutely positive. I did try running the following: insert,
sleep for a second, get, check to see if it was set, if not, send me
an email and try setting it again. Sometimes this would work, and then
sometimes even the second insert would fail. Again, with no

Do you mean the cassandra log, or just logging in the script itself?


On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 2:30 PM, Peter Schuller
<> wrote:
>> Is it possible for instance that sometimes your cron job takes longer
>> than five minutes?
> Or just a lack of failure handling in the cron job for that matter.
> Are you *SURE* the the "processed" flag truly got set? Do you have a
> log statement (written *AFTER* successful write to Cassandra) that
> indicates the items you specifically say are processed twice, were in
> fact written twice to Cassandra?
> --
> / Peter Schuller (@scode on twitter)

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