We are currently running a three node cluster where we assigned the initial tokens using the Python script that is in the Wiki, and we're currently using the Random Partitioner, RF=1, Cassandra 0.8 from the Riptano RPM ....however we're seeing one node taken on over 60% of the data as we load data.
Our keys are sequential, and can range from 0 to 2^64, though in practice we're between 1 and 2,000,000,000, with the current max around 50,000. In order to balance out the load would we be best served changing our tokens to make the top and bottom 1/3rd of the node go to the previous and next nodes respectively, then running nodetool move? Even if we do that, it would seem that we'd likely continue to run into this sort of issue as we add additionally data... would we be better served with a different Partitioner strategy? Or will we need to very actively manage our tokens to avoid getting into an unbalanced situation? -- *David McNelis* Lead Software Engineer Agentis Energy www.agentisenergy.com o: 630.359.6395 c: 219.384.5143 *A Smart Grid technology company focused on helping consumers of energy control an often under-managed resource.*