Thank you for your answer. Is there any documentation that describes all this values that I have to set?

Konstantinos Chasapis

On Aug 14, 2011, at 6:28 AM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:

In C++ you need to set .__isset.fieldname on optional fields (e.g.

2011/8/13 Hassapis Constantinos <cha...@ics.forth.gr>:
Hi all,

I'm using Cassandra 0.8.3 and thrift for c++ and I can't insert column in
a column family. Starting from an empty keyspace first I add a new
keyspace and then a new column family and that works fine but I can't
insert a column.
The code that I have written is:

               KsDef ks_def;

               ks_def.name = "test_keyspace";
               ks_def.replication_factor = 0;
               ks_def.strategy_class = "LocalStrategy";
               std::string res;

               cout << "add keyspace.." << endl;
               client.system_add_keyspace( res, ks_def);

               cout << "add column family.." << endl;
               CfDef cf_def;
               cf_def.keyspace= "test_keyspace";
               cf_def.name = "cf_name_test";
               client.system_add_column_family( res, cf_def );

               const string& key="test_key";
               const string value="valueeee_";

               ColumnParent cparent;
               cparent.column_family = "cf_name_test";

               Column c;
               c.name =  "column_namess";
               c.value =  value;
               c.timestamp = getTS();

               cout << "insert key value:"<< c.value << endl;
client.insert( key, cparent, c, ConsistencyLevel::ONE);

               cout << "drop column family" << endl;
client.system_drop_column_family( res, "cf_name_test");

               cout << "drop keyspace" << endl;
               client.system_drop_keyspace( res, "test_keyspace");


and I recive the bellow Exception: Default TException. [Column value is required] as you can see from the source code I have fill the value of the

thank you in advance for your help.
Konstantinos Chasapis
p.s please cc me in the reply.

Jonathan Ellis
Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
co-founder of DataStax, the source for professional Cassandra support

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