Upgrade at least to 0.8.1 as your version has broken compaction... Reagards Wojtek Meler
----- Reply message ----- Od: "myreasoner" <myreaso...@gmail.com> Data: pon., sie 1, 2011 04:23 Temat: Read latency is over 1 minute on a column family with 400,000 rows Do: "cassandra-u...@incubator.apache.org" <cassandra-u...@incubator.apache.org> Hi, my read latency is really horrible and I can't figure out what went wrong. I'm running cassandra 0.8.0 on a 5 machine cluster. The Fingerprint ColumnFamily has 400,000 rows, each row has about 4,000 Super columns, and each super column has 1 to 4 columns. One row looks like: RowKey: 00c26f => (super_column=008002c161f008566a4931d6efeab128ef, (column=183e9d10-b5f0-11e0-b0f4-0025901867fb, value=, timestamp=1311510352604000)) => (super_column=008004c34cafa12e22acbf3c2aab9b15ef, (column=e6371bf6-b72c-11e0-b201-0025901867fb, value=, timestamp=1311646419206000) (column=e6371c00-b72c-11e0-b201-0025901867fb, value=, timestamp=1311646419206000)) => (super_column=0080097ac5154a96ea8620784ea3b5b56f, (column=7691b846-b6fc-11e0-a703-003048f330bb, value=, timestamp=1311625615955000)) ... On cassandra-cli doing *get Fingerprint[rowkey][SuperColumnName]* usually takes over 60 seconds to return, which almost make the read un-useable. Is there anything I can tune? Here are the stats for a column family Fingerprint. Column Family: Fingerprint SSTable count: 2056 Space used (live): 164074936666 Space used (total): 164074936666 Memtable Columns Count: 177451 Memtable Data Size: 119948171 Memtable Switch Count: 366 Read Count: 5 *Read Latency: 74487.252 ms.* Write Count: 30023 Write Latency: 1.602 ms. Pending Tasks: 0 Key cache capacity: 200000 Key cache size: 8157 Key cache hit rate: 0.01322228263555929 Row cache: disabled Compacted row minimum size: 104 Compacted row maximum size: 315852 Compacted row mean size: 33709 -- View this message in context: http://cassandra-user-incubator-apache-org.3065146.n2.nabble.com/Read-latency-is-over-1-minute-on-a-column-family-with-400-000-rows-tp6639649p6639649.html Sent from the cassandra-u...@incubator.apache.org mailing list archive at Nabble.com. "WIRTUALNA POLSKA" Spolka Akcyjna z siedziba w Gdansku przy ul. Traugutta 115 C, wpisana do Krajowego Rejestru Sadowego - Rejestru Przedsiebiorcow prowadzonego przez Sad Rejonowy Gdansk - Polnoc w Gdansku pod numerem KRS 0000068548, o kapitale zakladowym 67.980.024,00 zlotych oplaconym w calosci oraz Numerze Identyfikacji Podatkowej 957-07-51-216.