Thanks Jonathan,

I just had one of our devs playing around with it and he said he had problems 
with some of the column names of which we delimit using a dash (-) using the 
JDBC drivers e.g.

SELECT m-<UUID>-hash(value) FROM column_family…..

If this is not a problem then I have my questions answered.


On 28/07/2011, at 05:56 AM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:

> You can quote CQL column names to allow any column name that Thrift
> would allow (suitably encoded for ascii).
> For instance, CQL knows that UUIDs are represented as strings like
> 12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678 and will parse them correctly.
> If you mean the official CompositeType, that should also work fine.
> If you mean "just using bytes smashed together with a delimiter" then
> that is supported too, with BytesType data encoded as hex.
> On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 11:48 AM, Anthony Ikeda
> <> wrote:
>> For our current project we have decided to use Hector as the client API,
>> however, with the introduction of CQL I need to understand a few things.
>> Firstly, CQL use SQL like constructs. Column names seem to be limited to the
>> same constraints of SQL (restricted use of delimiters) and yet the strengths
>> of Cassandra actually lie in the fact that we can delimit column names for
>> hierarchical use - if anything it was encouraged at the Cassandra SF 2011
>> conference.
>> Should I be ensuring that I avoid using delimiters such as ':', '-' for
>> column names now?
>> Does CQL Support (Dynamic)Composite column names? Row Keys?
>> What other limitations does CQL have that are not present in Hector?
>> Thanks,
>> Anthony
> -- 
> Jonathan Ellis
> Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
> co-founder of DataStax, the source for professional Cassandra support

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