This is part of a much bigger problem, one which has many parts, among them:

1. Cassandra is complex. Getting a gestalt understanding of it makes me
think I understand how Alzheimer's patients must feel.
2. There is no official documentation. Perhaps everything is out there
somewhere, who knows?
3. Cassandra is a moving target. Books are out of date before they hit the
4. Most of the important knowledge about Cassandra exists in a kind of oral
history, that is hard to keep up with, and even harder to understand once
it's long past.

I think it is clear that we need a better one-stop-shop for good
documentation. What hasn't been talked about much - but I think it's just as
important - is a good one-stop-shop for Cassandra's oral history.

(You might think this list is the place, but it's too noisy to be useful,
except at the very tip of the cowcatcher. Cassandra needs a canonized
version of its oral history.)

On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 7:24 AM, Edward Capriolo <>wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 12:01 AM, Jonathan Ellis <>wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 10:53 PM, Edward Capriolo <>
>> wrote:
>> > You can not even put two statements on the same line. So the ';' is semi
>> > useless syntax.
>> Nobody ever asked for that, but lots of people asked to allow
>> statements spanning multiple lines.
>> > Is their a way to move things forward without hurting backwards
>> > compatibility of the CLI?
>> Yes.  Create a new one based on CQL but leave the old one around.
>> --
>> Jonathan Ellis
>> Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
>> co-founder of DataStax, the source for professional Cassandra support
> On a semi related note. How can you update a column family and add an
> index?
> [default@app] create column family people;
> 4e3310c0-b8d1-11e0-0000-242d50cf1f9f
> Waiting for schema agreement...
> ... schemas agree across the cluster
> [default@app] update column family people with column_metadata = [{
> column_name : ascii(inserted_at), validation_class : LongType , index_type :
> 0 , index_name : ins_idx}];
> org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.MarshalException: cannot parse
> 'FUNCTION_CALL' as hex bytes
> [default@app] update column family people with column_metadata = [{
> column_name : inserted_at, validation_class : LongType , index_type : 0 ,
> index_name : ins_idx}];
> org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.MarshalException: cannot parse
> 'inserted_at' as hex bytes
> Edward

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