On Thu, 2011-07-14 at 11:07 -0500, Matthieu Nahoum wrote:
> I am trying to range-query a column family on which the keys are
> epochs (similar to the output of System.currentTimeMillis() in Java).
> In CQL (Cassandra 0.8.1 with JDBC driver): 
> SELECT * FROM columnFamily WHERE KEY > '1309205000000'; 
> I can't get to have a result that make sense, it always returns wrong
> timestamps. So I must make an error somewhere in the way I input the
> querying value. I tried in clear (like above), in hexadecimal, etc. 
> What is the correct way of doing this? Is it possible that my key is
> too long? 

What partitioner are you using?  What is the key type?

Eric Evans

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