> The more often you repair, the quicker it will be. The more often your > nodes go down the longer it will be.
Going to have to disagree a bit here. In most cases the cost of running through the data and calculating the merkle tree should be quite significant, and hopefully the differences should be fairly limited. The actual data being streamed can be a problem, but unless you have a situation where you are consistently going significantly out-of-synch and there is no read-repair, I wouldn't recommend more frequent repairs if your aim is to minimize the impact on the cluster. (In the general case, there will be exceptions.) Also to OP: In general, expect repairs to be more impactful on your cluster the bigger your data is in comparison to available memory used for caching. Basically the more cache reliant you are, the grater the impact of repairs (and compaction) will tend to be. -- / Peter Schuller