That's basically how I understand it. However, I think it gets better with larger clusters as the proportion of the ring you move around at any time is much lower.
On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 10:54 AM, Subscriber <> wrote: > Hi there, > > I read a lot of Cassandra's high scalability feature: allowing seamless > addition of nodes, no downtime etc. > But I wonder how one will do this in practice in an operational system. > > In the system we're going to implement we're expecting a huge number of > writes with uniformly distributed keys > (the keys are given and cannot be generated). That means using > RandomPartitioner will (more or less) result in > the same work-load per node as any other OrderPreservePartitioner - right? > > But how do you scale a (more or less) balanced Cassandra cluster? I think > that in the end > you always have to double the number of nodes (adding just a handful of > nodes disburdens only the split regions, the > work-load of untouched regions will grow with unchanged speed). > > This seems to be ok for small clusters. But what do you do with when you > have several 100s of nodes in your cluster? > It seems to me that a balanced cluster is a bless for performance but a > curse for scalability... > > What are the alternatives? One could re-distribute the token ranges, but > this would cause > downtimes (AFAIK); not an option! > > Is there anything that I didn't understand or do I miss something else? Is > the only left strategy to make sure that > the cluster grows unbalanced so one can add nodes to the hotspots? However > in this case you have to make sure > that this strategy is lasting. Could be too optimistic... > > Best Regards > Udo -- --------------------------------------------- Paul Loy