
I am running into the following problem:  I am running a single node
cassandra setup (out of the box so to speak) and was trying out the code
in apache-cassandra-0.8.0-src/examples/hadoop_word_count.

The bin/word_count_setup seems to work fine as cassandra-cli reports that
there are 1000 rows when I do

list input_words limit 2000;
(after connecting via connect 127.0.01/9160 and use wordcount;)

However, after running bin/word_count it seems the reducer is not writing
into cassandra as list output_words returns 0 rows.
When setting the output reducer to filesystem I get results in
/tmp/word_count0 /tmp/word_count1 etc .

Has anybody observed the same problem and has an idea what might be wrong?


  -- Markus

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