for example, if I have an application that needs to read off a user browsing
history, and I model the user ID as the key,
and the history data within the row. with current approach, I could model
each visit as  a column,
the possible issue is that *possibly* (I'm still doing a lot of profiling on
this to verify) that a lot of time is spent on serialization into the
message and out of the
message, plus I do not need the full features provided by the column : for
example I do not need a timestamp on each visit, etc,
so it might be faster to put the entire history in a blob, and each visit
only takes up a few bytes in the blob, and
my code manipulates the blob.

problem is, I still need to avoid the read-before-write, so I send only the
latest visit, and let cassandra do the reconcile, which appends the
visit to the blob, so this needs custom reconcile behavior.

is there a way to incorporate such custom reconcile under current code
framework? (I see custom sorting, but no custom reconcile)


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