The replacement is to use the replication_factor variable in strategy options. If you look in you can see an example of that.
The issue to do that was The reasoning was that NetworkTopologyStrategy defines replication factor per datacenter (in strategy_options). In 0.7 the global replication_factor in that case is redundant and isn't enforced because the real replication factor is in the strategy options. CASSANDRA-1263 pushes that down to the strategy options so that it would be controlled in one place - the strategy_options. On Jun 27, 2011, at 9:57 AM, Michal Augustýn wrote: > Hi all, > > I just look into "Cassandra.thrift" file from 0.8 distribution and > replication_factor element of KsDef structure is marked as > @deprecated. What is the non-deprecated replacement for this (IMHO) > core setting? Or is CQL the replacement? > > Thanks! > > Augi