I've been doing EBS snapshots for mysql for some time now, and was using a
similar pattern as Josep (XFS with freeze, snap, unfreeze), with the extra
complication that I was actually using 8 EBS's in RAID-0 (and the extra
extra complication that I had to lock the MyISAM tables... glad to be moving
away from that).  For cassandra I switched to ephemeral disks, as per
recommendations from this forum.

One note on EBS snapshots though: the last time I checked (which was some
time ago) I noticed degraded IO performance on the box during the
snapshotting process even though the take snapshot command returns almost
immediately.  My theory back then was that amazon does the
delta/compress/store "outside" of the VM, but it obviously has an effect on
resources on the box the VM runs on.  I was doing this on a mysql slave that
no one talked to, so I didn't care/bother looking into it further.


On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 10:30 AM, Peter Schuller <
peter.schul...@infidyne.com> wrote:

> >> EBS volume atomicity is good. We've had tons of experience since EBS
> came
> >> out almost 4 years ago,  to back all kinds of things, including large
> DBs.
> And thanks a lot for coming forward with production experience. That
> is always useful with these things.
> --
> / Peter Schuller

Will Oberman
Civic Science, Inc.
3030 Penn Avenue., First Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15201
(M) 412-480-7835
(E) ober...@civicscience.com

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