Awesome tip on TTL.  We can really use this as a catch-all to make sure all 
columns are purged based on time.  Fits our use-case good.  I forgot this 
feature existed.

On Jun 22, 2011, at 7:11 PM, Eric tamme wrote:

>>> Second, compacting such large files is an IO killer.    What can be tuned
>>> other than compaction_threshold to help optimize this and prevent the files
>>> from getting too big?
>>> Thanks!
> Just a personal implementation note - I make heavy use of column TTL,
> so I have very specifically tuned cassandra to having a pretty
> constant max disk usage based on my data insertion rate, the TTL, the
> memtable flush threshold, and min compaction threshold.  My data
> basically lives for 7 days and depending on where it is in the
> compaction cycle goes from 130 gigs per node up to 160gigs per node.
> If setting TTL is an option for you, It is one way to auto purge data
> and keep overall size in check.
> -Eric

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