but you can store the -details- of a transaction as json data and do
some sanity checks to validate that the data you currently have stored
aligns with the recorded transactions.  maybe a batch job run every 24
hours ...

On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 4:19 PM, Oleg Anastastasyev <olega...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is C* suitable for storing customer account (financial) data, as well as
>> billing, payroll, etc?  This is a new company so migration is not an
>> issue... starting from scratch.
> If you need only store them - then yes, but if you require transactions 
> spanning
> multiple rows or column families, which i believe will be main functionality
> here - then definitely no, because cassandra has no ACID, no transactions
> spanning multiple rows and no ability to rollback.

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