There is a comparator type (fort he name) and a validation type (for the value) If you have set the validation to be UTF8 you can only store data that is valid UTF8 there. The default validation is BytesType so it should accept everything unless otherwise specified.
I cannot tell anything regarding pycassa client side validation though. -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: osishkin osishkin [] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2011 13:14 An: Betreff: Column value type Is there a limitation on the data type of a column value (not column name) in cassandra? I'm saving data using a pycassa client, for a UTF8 column family, and I get an error when I try saving integer data values. Only when convert the values to string can I save the data. Looking at the pycassa code it seems to prevent me from sending non-string data. It doesn't make sense to me, since as far as I understood things, the type should apply only to column names (for comparison etc.). Am I wrong? Thank you