Just wanted to mention that there is also a #solandra irc channel on freenode 
in case people are interested.

On Jun 21, 2011, at 1:26 PM, Mark Kerzner wrote:

> Me too!
> I would be interested to know how such queries are done in Solandra. I would 
> understand it if it creates a complete Lucene index of everything that's in 
> Cassandra, and adds the text search. Then your query goes against Lucene.
> But if some data is found in column families in Cassandra, and some - in 
> Lucene, then how does the combined query work? Are there examples of its use?
> Thank you,
> Mark
> On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 11:19 AM, Jake Luciani <jak...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Solandra can answer the question you used as an example and it's more of a 
> fit for low-latency ad-hoc reporting then PIG.  Pig queries will take minutes 
> not seconds.
> On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 12:12 PM, Sasha Dolgy <sdo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Folks,
> Simple question ... Assuming my current use case is the ability to log
> lots of trivial and seemingly useless sports statistics ... I want a
> user to be able to query / compare .... For example:
> --> Show me all baseball players in cheektowaga and ontario,
> california who have hit a grandslam on tuesdays where it was just a
> leap year.
> Each baseball player is represented by a single row in a CF:
> player_uuid, fullname, hometown, game1, game2, game3, game4
> Game's are UUID's that are a reference to another row in the same CF
> that provides information about that game...
> location, final score, date (unix timestamp or ISO format) , and
> statitics which are represented as a new column timestamp:player_uuid
> I can use PIG, as I understand, to run a query to generate specific
> information about specific "things" and populate that data back into
> Cassandra in another CF ... similar to the hypothetical search
> above....as the information is structured already, i assume PIG is the
> right tool for the job, but may not be ideal for a web application and
> enabling ad-hoc queries ... it could take anywhere from 2-....?
> seconds for that query to generate, populate, and return to the
> user...?
> On the other hand, I have started to read about Solr / Solandra /
> Lucandra .... can this provide similar functionality or better ?  or
> is it more geared towards full text search and indexing ...
> I don't want to get into the habit of guessing what my potential users
> want to search for ... trying to think of ways to offload this to
> them.
> --
> Sasha Dolgy
> sasha.do...@gmail.com
> -- 
> http://twitter.com/tjake

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