On 6/15/2011 12:14 PM, Vijay wrote:
"The problem in the above approach is you have 2 nodes between 12 to 4
in DC1 but from 4 to 12 you just have 1"
should be
"The problem in the above approach is you have 1 node between 0-4
(25%) and and one node covering the rest which is 4-16, 0-0 (75%)"
Ok, I think you are saying that the computed token range intervals are
incorrect and that they would be:
*node 1 = 0 Range: (4, 16], (0, 0]
node 2 = 4 Range: (0, 4]
*node 3 = 8 Range: (12, 16], (0, 8]
node 4 = 12 Range: (8, 12]
If so, then yes, this is what I am seeking to confirm since I haven't
found any documentation stating this directly and that reference that I
gave only implies this; that is, that the token ranges are calculated
per data center rather than per cluster. I just need someone to confirm
that 100% because it doesn't sound right to me based on everything else
I've read.
SO, the question is: Does Cass calculate the consecutive node token
ranges A.) per cluster, or B.) for the whole data center?
From all I understand, the answer is B. But, that documentation
(reprinted below) implies A... or something that doesn't make sense to
me because of the token placement in the example:
"With NetworkTopologyStrategy, you should calculate the tokens the nodes
in each DC independantly...
node 1 = 0
node 2 = 85070591730234615865843651857942052864
node 3 = 1
node 4 = 85070591730234615865843651857942052865"
However, I do see why this would be helpful, but first I'm just asking if this
token assignment is absolutely mandatory
or if it's just a technique to achieve some end.