Did you set the token values for you nodes? I remember having similar symptoms when I had a token conflict.
----- Original Message ----- From: "David McNelis" <dmcne...@agentisenergy.com> To: user@cassandra.apache.org Sent: Friday, June 3, 2011 5:06:10 PM Subject: Re: Setting up cluster and nodetool ring in 0.8.0 Edward, I change my seed node to use its route-able IP address as its own seed instead of I still, however, still see the same results when running nodetool. On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 11:37 AM, Edward Capriolo < edlinuxg...@gmail.com > wrote: On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 12:21 PM, David McNelis < dmcne...@agentisenergy.com > wrote: <blockquote> I want to make sure I'm not seeing things from a weird perspective. I have two Cassandra instances where one is set to be the seed, with autobootstap disabled and its seed being The second instance has autobootstrap enabled and the seed IP set to the IP of the first node. I start the first node, then the second, with no errors. However, when I run: bin/nodetool -h localhost ring My output shows me only the local machine in my ring. When I run: bin/nodetool -h localhost join seedNodeIP It tells me I'm already a part of the ring. My question is which is correct? I thought, from the documentation, that both of my nodes would show up in the ring if I ran 'ring' in nodetool. This is a new cluster. -- David McNelis Lead Software Engineer Agentis Energy www.agentisenergy.com o: 630.359.6395 c: 219.384.5143 A Smart Grid technology company focused on helping consumers of energy control an often under-managed resource. Do use as a seed (except for single node test clusters) Use a route-able ip that other cluster nodes can use to reach that node. </blockquote> -- David McNelis Lead Software Engineer Agentis Energy www.agentisenergy.com o: 630.359.6395 c: 219.384.5143 A Smart Grid technology company focused on helping consumers of energy control an often under-managed resource.