
So what you are saying is that, if i wanna write a php code to load data
from a file into cassandra, i dont have to make any separate installations
for thrift???

Thanks and Regards,

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 12:19 PM, Marcus Bointon

> On 31 May 2011, at 08:28, Amrita Jayakumar wrote:
> > Can you please tell me what is thrift and what is it used for??? I mean
> is it necessary to use cassandra? do i have to install it separately??? or
> does it come along with the cassandra package?
> It's the underlying protocol stack that cassandra clients use to talk to
> cassandra, so it's part of the package. Docs here:
> You probably don't need to worry about it directly.
> Marcus

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