
this week I am (finally) getting cassandra (0.8) going for existing projects
we have in production.
Looking at is a place I
was thinking maybe I could start to help out but I am not sure that is the
best starting point though it is a sore spot for some of what we want to be
doing in future projects.  Any thoughts from folks on this?  should I come
up with an approach and comment in JIRA is best?  start smaller? bigger?
some other tickets good for the gander?  more help for 0.80 in some specific
places while I am working on it?

I want the project I am working on to go well with Cassandra so the more I
jump into it the better.

if it just the two of us we will have more than enough pizza and beer
(Medialet's treat) but hopefully we can get some others too.

On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 12:04 AM, Edward Capriolo <>wrote:

> I had it on our list of ideas for the Cassandra NYC meetup. I am down for
> action.
> On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 9:40 PM, Joseph Stein <> wrote:
>> Any interest for a Cassandra Hackathon evening in NYC?  Any committer(s)
>> going to be in the NYC area together that can lead/guide this?
>> I have a thumbs up to use our office in the Milk
>> Studios building. It is a big open space with 12 tables (2-3 people per
>> table) all in one big room + a conference room we can gather around a big
>> screen if/when need be too..
>> I would love to start contributing code myself and think this is a great
>> way to get it going for others too to get over the hump (and simply make
>> time) to knock out tickets together with good guidance growing the
>> community.
>> /*
>> Joe Stein
>> Twitter: @allthingshadoop
>> */


Joe Stein
Twitter: @allthingshadoop

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