Rename a cluster
see also

The best approach will depend on 
- how much data you have
- if this is a running system 
- are the schemas identical 
- are the individual clusters using the NetworkTopologyStrategy ? 
- how much excitement you like.  

Initial thoughts, doubt this is correct...

- change the tokens in each dc 
- for a dc that will have the others join it, change to put the new nodes in the new dc
- for a dc joining another, follow the procedure to change the name on each 
node, update the seed list and update the topology to include the dc it is 
joining, remove the schema and migrations SStables, as you do a rolling restart
- update the seed list on the dc the others joined
- confirm there is one schema def
- update the replication factor of the schema to put replicas in each DC
- nodetool repair to change the RF and then cleanup 

There will be a lot of data moves and I doubt I got it right, is there any 
chance of spinning up a whole new cluster and reloading the data ?

I can give it some more thought later if you need. 

Hope that helps. 

Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer

On 14 May 2011, at 04:55, Anurag Gujral wrote:

> Hi All,
>             I  have 3 separate cassandra clusters running in multiple data 
> centers which I want to convert to  one cassandra cluster across multiple 
> data centers
> Does anyone tried this? If so what are the steps:
> I think I need to do the following:
> a)Change cluster name: What is the procedure to do this?
> b)Change tokens so that each node have a unique token
> c)Change seed nodes so that machines in one data center know about machines 
> in another data center.
> Thanks
> Anurag

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