If the node is crashing with OutOfMemory it will be in the cassandra logs. 
Search them for "ERROR". Alternatively if you've installed a package the stdout 
and stderr may be redirected to a file called something like output.log in the 
same location as the log file.

You can change the logging using the log4j-server.properties file typically in 
the same location as cassandra.yaml. By detail they will be logging errors and 
warnings though. 

What does "nodetool ring" say about the token distribution ? If you are using 
the OPP you need to make sure your app is evening distributing the keys to 
avoid hot spots. 

Hope that helps.
On 30 Apr 2011, at 22:14, Rauan Maemirov wrote:

> I have a test cluster with 3 nodes, earlier I've installed OpsCenter to watch 
> my cluster. Every day I see, that the same one node goes down (at different 
> time, but every day). Then I just run `service cassandra start` to fix that 
> problem. system.log doesn't show me anything strange. What are the steps to 
> determine issues? I didn't change logging properties (and cassandra.yaml is 
> not far away from the default), so maybe there must be some options to be 
> switched to debug?
> Btw, the node that goes down is the most loaded (in storage capacity). Maybe 
> the problem is in OPP?
> Once I've ran loadbalance command and it changed token for the first node 
> from 0 to one of the keys (without touching another 2, I've generated tokens 
> with tokens.py). 

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