[moving to user list] It's not clear to me what "the library" is that you're using or what Cassandra version you're trying to talk to.
I'd recommend using the latest Hector 0.7 version, with Cassandra 0.7.5. On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 3:59 PM, L Mckay <lmckaydownl...@yahoo.com> wrote: > I'm getting a compilation error in the latest Cassandra library when I try to > insert data programatically using Java. > > using version 0.6.13 of the library > Is there a new Column definition in the Column.java or the jar file for > version > > Do you have any complete examples in java that are working to add column > families, in add, update, delete, and remove? > There also seems to be a mismatch when using a "long" datatype instead of the > "clock" when defining a new Column(byte[], byte[], timestamp). > > > > > Thanks for your consideration and time. -- Jonathan Ellis Project Chair, Apache Cassandra co-founder of DataStax, the source for professional Cassandra support http://www.datastax.com