We are expecting to deploy it on amazon cloud ec2, if it may help. I am sure
people would have deployed Cassandra data centers in different regions on
cloud before. But I am unable to find documentation of any such deployment

Because of this multi-regions the public-private IP address issue is


On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 4:55 PM, Milind Parikh <milindpar...@gmail.com>wrote:

> It will be through an overlay n/w. unfortunately setting up such n/w is
> complex. Look @ something like openvpn.
> If multicast is supported, it will be easier. With complex software such as
> Cassandra, it is much better to go with the expected flow; rather than
> devicing your own flows.....my2c.
> /***********************
> sent from my android...please pardon occasional typos as I respond @ the
> speed of thought
> ************************/
> On Apr 25, 2011 5:27 AM, "pankaj soni" <pankajsoni0...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> We have a scenario for which we are considering using apache Cassandra for
> deployment for our data storage needs.The setup is to be spread across
> multiple data centers in different regions(physical locations). With each
> data center having multiple nodes. However we can afford at most 1 public IP
> address for each data center. With nodes inside the data center
> communicating over private IP. We plan to use RF=3 and 
> OldNetworkTopologyStrategy
> for replica placement.
> 1 . This leads us to question that how will node discovery take place and
> how will Cassandra ring be formed between multiple data centers?
> 2.  How is data partitioning to be carried on in this scenario?
> 3. If say data resides in Data center 1 node 2 and read query is sent to
> Data center 2 node 1, assuming it DC2 has no local replica than how is read
> query to be serviced? This is our biggest concern as articles relating to
> public/private IPs for cassandra could not be found.
> As in Cassandra any node can be queried for data and same goes for write
> requests, cassandra is our first choice in environments we have to deploy.
> Any suggestion is welcome.
> pankaj

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