Hi All

I have migrated my server to centos 5.5.Every thing is up but facing a little issue i have two cassandra nodes.  cassandra2 cassandra1

I am using open jdk with cassandra,We are faing following error when using nodetool.Only on one server that is cassandra2.Hosts file is also pasted below.I please let me know how can i fix this issue.

sh  nodetool -h  ring
Error connecting to remote JMX agent!
java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:; nested exception is:

sh  nodetool -h  ring
Address Status Load Range Ring 129069858893052904163677015069685590304 Up 10.02 GB 104465788091875410298027059042850717029 |<--| Up 9.98 GB 129069858893052904163677015069685590304 |-->|

Hosts file

# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.        localhost.localdomain localhost                cassandra2.pringit.com

#::1        localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

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Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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