This is "normal" when you just add single nodes.   When no token is assigned, 
the new node takes a portion of the ring from the most heavily loaded node.    
As a consequence of this, the nodes will be out of balance.

In other words, when you double the amount nodes you would not have this 

The best way to rebalance the cluster is to generate new tokens and use the 
nodetool move <new-token> command to rebalance the nodes, one at a time.

After rebalancing you can run "cleanup" so the nodes get rid of data they no 
longer are responsible for.


On Apr 12, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Dikang Gu wrote:

> I have 3 cassandra 0.7.4 nodes in a cluster, and I get the ring stats:
> [root@yun-phy2 apache-cassandra-0.7.4]# bin/nodetool -h -p 8090 
> ring
> Address         Status State   Load            Owns    Token                  
> 109028275973926493413574716008500203721     
>    Up     Normal  157.25 MB       69.92%  
> 57856537434773737201679995572503935972      
>    Up     Normal  201.71 MB       24.28%  
> 99165710459060760249270263771474737125      
>    Up     Normal  68.12 MB        5.80%   
> 109028275973926493413574716008500203721
> The load and owns vary on each node, is this normal?  And is there a way to 
> balance the three nodes?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Dikang Gu
> 0086 - 18611140205

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