I am running stress test and on one of the nodes I see:

[root@dsdb5 ~]# nodetool -h `hostname` tpstats
Pool Name                    Active   Pending      Completed
ReadStage                         0         0           2495
RequestResponseStage              0         0         242202
MutationStage                    48       521         287850
ReadRepairStage                   0         0            799
GossipStage                       0         0          10639
AntiEntropyStage                  0         0              0
MigrationStage                    0         0            202
MemtablePostFlusher               1         2           1047
StreamStage                       0         0              0
FlushWriter                       1         1           1047
FILEUTILS-DELETE-POOL             0         0           2048
MiscStage                         0         0              0
FlushSorter                       0         0              0
InternalResponseStage             0         0              0
HintedHandoff                     1         3              5

and cfstats

Keyspace: StressKeyspace
        Read Count: 2494
        Read Latency: 4987.431669206095 ms.
        Write Count: 281705
        Write Latency: 0.017631469090005503 ms.
        Pending Tasks: 49
                Column Family: StressStandard
                SSTable count: 882
                Space used (live): 139589196497
                Space used (total): 139589196497
                Memtable Columns Count: 6
                Memtable Data Size: 14204955
                Memtable Switch Count: 1932
                Read Count: 2494
                Read Latency: 5921.633 ms.
                Write Count: 282522
                Write Latency: 0.017 ms.
                Pending Tasks: 32
                Key cache capacity: 1000000
                Key cache size: 1198
                Key cache hit rate: 0.0013596193065941536
                Row cache: disabled
                Compacted row minimum size: 219343
                Compacted row maximum size: 5839588
                Compacted row mean size: 557125

I am just running simple test in 6 node cassandra 4 GB heap, 96 GB RAM and
12 core per host. I am inserting 1M rows with avg col size of 250k. I keep
getting "Dropped mutation" messages in logs. Not sure how to troubleshoot or
tune it.

Can someone please help?

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