There are two layers of settings, the default, cluster wide, settings part of the schema and exposed/modifiable via the cli and individual settings exposed/modifiable via JMX and nodetool. Using nodetool, you are only modifying the in memory settings for a single node, changes to those settings are not persisted or reflected in other nodes.
If you want a particular setting to be persisted across a restart (and applied to other nodes when they restart), you have to use the cli and the 'update column family X with min_compaction_threshold=Y and max_compaction_threshold=X' command. Dan From: Sheng Chen [] Sent: April-06-11 1:42 To: Subject: Compaction threshold does not save with nodetool Cassandra 0.7.4 # nodetool -h localhost getcompactionthreshold Keyspace1 Standard1 min=4 max=32 # nodetool -h localhost setcompactionthreshold Keyspace1 Standard1 0 0 # nodetool -h localhost getcompactionthreshold Keyspace1 Standard1 min=0 max=0 Now the thresholds have changed on the JMX pannel, but in the cassandra-cli `show keyspaces`, it is still 4/32. After I restart cassandra, threshold by nodetool shows 4/32 again. The setting is lost. I tried to use nodetool flush to save the change but it doesn't work. No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG - Version: 9.0.894 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/3554 - Release Date: 04/06/11 02:34:00