How did you solve it?

On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 7:32 PM, Anurag Gujral <>wrote:

> Now it is using all the three disks . I want to understand why recommended
> approach is to use
> one single large volume /directory and not multiple ones,can you please
> explain in detail.
> I am using SSDs using  three small ones is cheaper than using one large
> one.
> Please Suggest
> Thanks
> Anurag
> On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 7:31 AM, aaron morton <>wrote:
>> Is this still a problem ? Are you getting errors on the server ?
>> It should be choosing the directory with the most space.
>> btw, the recommended approach is to use a single large volume/directory
>> for the data.
>> Aaron
>> On 2 Apr 2011, at 01:56, Anurag Gujral wrote:
>> > Hi All,
>> >           I have setup a cassandra cluster with three data directories
>> but cassandra is using only one of them and that disk is out of space
>> > and .Why is cassandra not using all the three data directories.
>> >
>> > Plz Suggest.
>> >
>> > Thanks
>> > Anurag

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