On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 4:19 PM, Ryan King <r...@twitter.com> wrote:
> We have a solution for time series data on cassandra at Twitter that
> we'd like to open source, but it requires 0.8/trunk so we're not going
> to release it until that's stable.
> See 
> http://www.slideshare.net/kevinweil/rainbird-realtime-analytics-at-twitter-strata-2011

Yeah, having high performance hierarchical aggregation would be
awesome for this kind of application.  I hate to re-invent the wheel,
but it's not something I can really wait a long time either.   I was
planning on just manually inserting the same value into multiple rows
rather then trying to build the aggregates off 5min data for
weekly/monthly/yearly at query time.

Other then: http://blog.insidesystems.net/basic-time-series-with-cassandra#more

any other good references for storing time series data?

On a side note: looks like the Perl API isn't being maintained well...
how's the ruby API overall?  stable?  performance?


Aaron Turner
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