Thanks a lot for sharing your inputs, guys...

On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 6:47 AM, Drew Kutcharian <> wrote:

> Hi Ed,
> Cool, I guess we both read/interpreted his post differently and gave two
> valid answers ;)
> - Drew
> On Mar 30, 2011, at 5:40 PM, Ed Anuff wrote:
> > Hey Drew, I'm somewhat familiar with Snowflake, and it's certainly a
> > good option, but, my impression was that the main reason to use it is
> > because you find the 128-bits for a UUID overkill, not because it's
> > doing anything you can't do with UUID's.  The difference in time
> > resolution between UUIDs and Snowflake ids is actually greater than
> > the size of the sequence value that Snowflake uses to differentiate
> > duplicated timestamps, so the easiest thing would be just to round to
> > milliseconds unless your goal was to save the extra 64 bits per UUID.
> > I was just over-reading into Roshan's question that he wanted the full
> > time resolution of a UUID and on top of that be able to have a number
> > of duplicate timestamps.
> >
> > On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 4:24 PM, Drew Kutcharian <>
> wrote:
> >> Hi Ed,
> >>
> >> There's no need to re-invent the wheel that's pretty much what Twitter
> Snowflake does. The way it works is it creates a 64 bit long id which is
> formatted as such
> >>
> >> time_bits : data_center_id : machine_id : sequence
> >>
> >> Where time_bits are the milliseconds since a custom epoch.
> >>
> >> So If you see, you would get ids that are unique and ordered by time up
> to 1ms (if two ids were created during the same millisecond, then the
> ordering is not preserved)
> >>
> >> - Drew
> >>
> >>
> >> On Mar 30, 2011, at 4:13 PM, Ed Anuff wrote:
> >>
> >>> If I understand the question, it's not that
> >>> UUIDGen.makeType1UUIDFromHost(InetAddress.getLocalHost()) is returning
> >>> duplicate UUID's.  It should always be giving unique time-based uuids
> >>> and has checks to make sure it does.  The question was whether it was
> >>> possible to get multiple unique time-based UUID's with the exact same
> >>> timestamp component, rather than avoiding duplicates in the timestamp
> >>> the way UUIDGen currently does.  The answer to that is that you could
> >>> take a look at the code for the UUIDGen class and create your own
> >>> version that perhaps generated the clock sequence in a different way,
> >>> such as leaving a certain number of low order bits of the clock
> >>> sequence empty and then incrementing those when duplicate timestamps
> >>> were generated rather than incrementing the timestamp the way UUIDGen
> >>> currently does.
> >>>
> >>> On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 10:08 AM, Drew Kutcharian <>
> wrote:
> >>>> Hi Roshan,
> >>>> You probably want to look at Twitter's
> >>>> Snowflake:
> >>>> There's also another Java variant:
> >>>> - Drew
> >>>>
> >>>> On Mar 30, 2011, at 6:08 AM, Roshan Dawrani wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> Hi,
> >>>> Is there any way I can get multiple unique time UUIDs for the same
> timestamp
> >>>> value - I mean, the UUIDs that are same in their time (most
> significant
> >>>> bits), but differ in their least significant bits?
> >>>> The least significant bits added by
> >>>> me.prettyprint.cassandra.utils.TimeUUIDUtils seem to be a fixed value
> based
> >>>> on mac/ip address, which makes sure that I get the same UUID for a
> timestamp
> >>>> value, everytime I ask.
> >>>> I need the "(timestamp): <some value>" kind of columns that need to be
> >>>> sorted by time, and I wanted to use TimeUUID to use column sorting
> that
> >>>> comes out-of-the-box, but the problem is that I can get multiple
> values for
> >>>> the same timestamp.
> >>>> So, I am looking for some way where the time portion is same, but the
> other
> >>>> UUID half is different so that I can safely store "1 time UUID: 1
> value".
> >>>> Any help there is appreciated.
> >>>> --
> >>>> Roshan
> >>>> Blog:
> >>>> Twitter: @roshandawrani
> >>>> Skype: roshandawrani
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>
> >>

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