Hi everyone,
I was on the mailing list back in December/January, asking questions
about rebalancing some nodes, etc. We currently have a ring of 3
systems, redundancy set to 2, and all is well.
We'd like to snapshot our ring and build a new development/staging node
from it (the old dev node is quite stale), and we're curious what the
"best practice" is for something like that.
We're thinking we might replicate our 3 nodes as 3 more new nodes, but
on a whole new ring, then remove one node, issue flush/cleanup commands
on the remaining two (with redundancy set to '2', we should only need to
remove one node, to have all data on both remaining nodes, right?), then
tarball the Cassandra data path from one machine, and download it to a
local development environment.
As long as we're using the same version of Cassandra, is there any
drawback to this approach?
- Working backwards from production to staging/dev ian douglas