Just for the sake of updating this thread - Orr didn't yet have task trackers 
on the Cassandra nodes so most of the time was likely due to copying the ~100G 
of data to the hadoop cluster prior to processing.  They're going to try after 
installing task trackers on the nodes.

On Mar 14, 2011, at 10:06 AM, Or Yanay wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am trying to write some map-reduce tasks so I can find out stuff like – how 
> many records have X status?
> I am using 0.7.0 and have 5 nodes with ~100G of data on each node.
> I have written the code based on the word_count example and the map-reduce is 
> running successfully BUT is extremely slow (about 2 hours for the simplest 
> key count).
> I am now looking to track down the slowness and tune my process, or explore 
> alternative ways to achieve the same goal.
> Can anyone point me to a way to tune my map-reduce job?
> Does anyone have any experience exploring Cassandra data with Hadoop cluster 
> configuration? ( As suggested 
> inhttp://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/HadoopSupport#ClusterConfig)
> Thanks,
> Orr

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